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Our History

Serving the best tacos in Houston, TX since 2019. The love of Mexican food, especially tacos; was what led the Barbón to offer the 2 styles of tacos. In Tamaulipas, it is said that a good beef steak taco with cilantro and onion should be accompanied with a touch of fresh cheese and avocado. El Barbón brought that idea and now makes Taqueria El Barbón the home of the authentic TACOS TAMAULIPAS in all of the Houston area. On the other hand in Monterrey, a good taco is made out of a rich tortilla, beef steak, cilantro, onion, spicy salsas (red and green) and onion accompanied by roasted onion and potato: TACOS ESTILO NUEVO LEÓN. Each of the styles make you feel as if you were back home.

Sirviendo los mejores tacos en Houston, TX desde 2019. El amor a la comida mexicana, en especial a los tacos; fue lo que llevó al Barbón a ofrecer los 2 estilos de tacos; en Tamaulipas, se dice que un buen taco de bistec con cilantro y cebolla debe ser acompañado con su buen toque de queso fresco y aguacate. El Barbón trajo esa idea y ahora los convierte en la casa de los auténticos TACOS TAMAULIPAS en todo Houston. En cambio en Monterrey para ser un buen taco, basta con una rica tortilla, bistec, cilantro, cebolla y sus salsas picositas ( roja y verde) acompañados de su cebollita asada y papita: TACOS ESTILO NUEVO LEÓN. Te hacen sentir cada uno de los estilos como si estuvieras en casa.

A Few Words About Us

Serving Houston & Surrounding Areas.

Best tacos and hamburgers in Houston. Authentic flavor! Tacos de Bistec, Tacos de Pastor, the best quesadillas in town! Our burgers come with homemade beef patties mixed with special seasoning for an amazing artisan taste for Monterrey N. L. Mexico. Top notch ingredients for our salsas and fixings! 

We strive in serving our community in many different ways.  We are very proud and grateful to serve you!

Our Food Policy

We use the freshest ingredients every single day.

Our Core Values

Providing the best food quality and 100% satisfaction. With God everything is possible!

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